Multiply fractions by fractions.
When possible, simplify results or convert fractions into mixed numbers or integers.
๐ = Correct, โน๏ธ = Incorrect
4/15 x 1/4 =
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Have you simplified the result? Can the numerator and denominator be divided by a common factor?
7/15 x 1/7 =
2/17 x 1/2 =
3/12 x 1/3 =
7/10 x 1/7 =
5/12 x 1/5 =
12/21x 3/4 =
5/11 x 3/7 =
9/10 x 4/7 =
7/9 x 7/8 =
7/12 x 9/12 =
6/9 x 5/12 =
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